After going through two days of long debates and a crisis, the UNSC is almost done with the discussions on the terrorism topic.
By Amanda Gehlen (Agência SOI News)
New York - Terrorism has never been a very easy topic to discuss about. There are many points without a perfect definition or a perfect way to deal with and the United Nation Security Council has been trying to find the answers for those questions since the subjects was finally chosen to be discussed during the meetings. Many disagreements were brought up to the floor and some delegations had more voice than others, dividing the council between two different opinions, represented mostly by the delegations of Pakistan and United States.
The council made a great decision by dividing the delegates in small groups to discuss some topics separately, and the decisions made by the groups were proved to be really fruitful since it brought up a complete draft of what could be the final resolution paper. This draft was under final adjustments since yesterday afternoon, but an unfortunate crisis came upon the council and the discussions had to be put apart for some hours. This morning, with the crisis being resolved, the debate upon the articles in the resolution paper was taken up again.
The resolution paper seems to end up with seven main points regarding: the definition of terrorism, which embraces the answers for what is considered as a terroristic act and who can be considered a terrorist; the creation of an internal legislation for each country to repress terrorism practices and any kind of support given to these acts; the creation of an internal database to be used by the Counter-Terrorism Committee; the applying of warnings in low scale situations; the impose of punitive sanctions to terrorism agents; the creation of an international organ to be responsible to receive all the information regarding human rights violations; and the decision to make the UNSC remain actively seized of the matter.
With one hour left until the morning section ends, the council had already made a great number of alterations on the draft and the prediction is that by the end of the afternoon the resolution paper will be finally done.